10 November, 2001

Buy bubbles in your (British) Aldi

Supermarketfizz is as good or even better than wellknown branded champagnes. Says
Egon Ronay after having blindtasted 30 champagnes.

Mister Ronay, a bit of an institution in a British, gastronomical connection, even says that it would be a mistake to buy a champagne just because it is a known name. The supermarket bubblies are with prices between 14 and 18 pounds a lot cheaper, and they stay the course.

So maybe champagnelovers should pay a visit to the local Sainsbury's, Marks & Spencer or even the German harddicount store, Aldi, next time they are crossing the Channel.

Now on top of the taste there is quite a lot of signalling in a bottle of champagne. So I wonder if it is the same people who buys Tescobubbles and Taittinger or Pommery.

På dansk

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