When it comes to war, love and x-mas shopping no holds are barred.
Readers that possesses the combination champagnelover and x-mas shopper in London ought to visit their local ASDA supermarket. Fast. I guess, stocks will not be infinite.
The lethal weapon of the chain in the big war of x-mas shoppers is an offer on one of the most wellknown champagnes in the world. The Dom Perignon of Moët & Chandon for a price of just 30 pounds per bottle. Less than half the normal price.
In Denmark a bottle of Dom P - vintage 1999 - sells for 850 kroner, the same in France,
Apart from the French themselves, nobody buys more champagne than the British.
Lidt af hvert om stort og småt i Champagne/A bit of this & a bit of that with bubbly regards from Champagne
30 November, 2002
28 November, 2002
Champagne quotes: Keynes
"My only regret in life is that I did not drink more Champagne."
John Maynard Keynes, English economist, famous last words from 1946.
Keynes is known as the economist, whose theory recommends states with economical problems to stimulate themselves out of problems by using more money than they make.(English Wiki).
John Maynard Keynes, English economist, famous last words from 1946.
Keynes is known as the economist, whose theory recommends states with economical problems to stimulate themselves out of problems by using more money than they make.(English Wiki).
Goodbye small, hello big
The champagnes of the future look big. The manager of one of the big players, Remy Cointreaus Jean-Marie Laborde, predicts, that the growing prices of grapes will eventually force some of the small winegrowers out of the game in the years to come. Says British newsagency Reuters.
The loosers will be you and me.
The first signs are easy to spot already. It's all about prices, of grapes and vineyards.
Graperprices passed the limit of crises
The grapeprices have now crossed the traditional limit of crises, five euros per kilo. Champagnehouses and winegrowers, who produce champagne of their own usually need to buy grapes, since houses need more grapes and smaller growers typically don't grow all three grape varieties often in need.
In principle, the big and very rich houses can bid up the price, until they get what they want. The smaller players cannot afford to follow the big ones into infinite prices. This may eventually influence their production, lower it or change the content of it.
So far the big houses, that sell 70 percent of the champagnes of the region, have refrained from bidding up as a sort of unwritten agreement with the winegrowers, that own and cultivate 90 percent of the vineyards.
This summer the biggest of the big ones, the LVMH manager of champagnes, Jean-Marie Barrillère, said that he doesn't want to play by these rules any longer. Instead he will bid up the prices, until he gets what he wants.
He mentioned, that far too many champagnes are sold badly. The Remy Cointreau manager agrees. The problem is, that winegrower's champagnes are usually priced at least five-ten euros under a big house.
Million per hectare
Also the prices of vineyards are now far beyond the skies with prices at a million hectares for the most expensive ones. Big houses can afford to buy whenever vineyards are for sale.
We have calculated these prices ourselves. No small growers - like us - can spend so much to get so little. Only in the fifth generation after us the land would begin to make money. This you can only do, if you have a lot of money and a lot of time to wait for black numbers. The richest houses possess both.
One of them just bought our childless neighbours hectares. The house will take over when the person retires in some years. Montagne de Reims will then have one small brand less, and a big house a few more Grand Cru-hectares to play with.
"It's clear there will be consolidation among the brands." says the Remy Cointreau-manager to Reuters.
The purchase of the vineyards of our neighbour is a good example, how right he is. The development is on already, and the traditional dynamics between big and rich houses and small, rural growers with own brands stagger these years.
More loosers
Too bad for small winegrowers, whose kids eventually will have to sell their vines as plots become too small to do anything with them. Few will have the necessary money to buy out their siblings to keep the land of the family together.
All, who love champagne, are loosers too. The direction of this development is also likely to move towards more expensive and also more standard champagnes.
The big brands sell sublime champagne experiences but they also deliver flat fizz, created to please the palates of the entire world. The small brands sell terribly bad champagnes, that obviously crave for the necessary savoir-faire, but they also present simply fantastic products, that contain all you could ever want from the Champagne terroir.
The loosers will be you and me.
The first signs are easy to spot already. It's all about prices, of grapes and vineyards.
Graperprices passed the limit of crises
The grapeprices have now crossed the traditional limit of crises, five euros per kilo. Champagnehouses and winegrowers, who produce champagne of their own usually need to buy grapes, since houses need more grapes and smaller growers typically don't grow all three grape varieties often in need.
In principle, the big and very rich houses can bid up the price, until they get what they want. The smaller players cannot afford to follow the big ones into infinite prices. This may eventually influence their production, lower it or change the content of it.
So far the big houses, that sell 70 percent of the champagnes of the region, have refrained from bidding up as a sort of unwritten agreement with the winegrowers, that own and cultivate 90 percent of the vineyards.
This summer the biggest of the big ones, the LVMH manager of champagnes, Jean-Marie Barrillère, said that he doesn't want to play by these rules any longer. Instead he will bid up the prices, until he gets what he wants.
He mentioned, that far too many champagnes are sold badly. The Remy Cointreau manager agrees. The problem is, that winegrower's champagnes are usually priced at least five-ten euros under a big house.
Million per hectare
Also the prices of vineyards are now far beyond the skies with prices at a million hectares for the most expensive ones. Big houses can afford to buy whenever vineyards are for sale.
We have calculated these prices ourselves. No small growers - like us - can spend so much to get so little. Only in the fifth generation after us the land would begin to make money. This you can only do, if you have a lot of money and a lot of time to wait for black numbers. The richest houses possess both.
One of them just bought our childless neighbours hectares. The house will take over when the person retires in some years. Montagne de Reims will then have one small brand less, and a big house a few more Grand Cru-hectares to play with.
"It's clear there will be consolidation among the brands." says the Remy Cointreau-manager to Reuters.
The purchase of the vineyards of our neighbour is a good example, how right he is. The development is on already, and the traditional dynamics between big and rich houses and small, rural growers with own brands stagger these years.
More loosers
Too bad for small winegrowers, whose kids eventually will have to sell their vines as plots become too small to do anything with them. Few will have the necessary money to buy out their siblings to keep the land of the family together.
All, who love champagne, are loosers too. The direction of this development is also likely to move towards more expensive and also more standard champagnes.
The big brands sell sublime champagne experiences but they also deliver flat fizz, created to please the palates of the entire world. The small brands sell terribly bad champagnes, that obviously crave for the necessary savoir-faire, but they also present simply fantastic products, that contain all you could ever want from the Champagne terroir.
17 November, 2002
This is me. Who are you?
Welcome to Bubbles.
The baby eventually came out as a blog. Its kind was not very important to me. It had to be fast and easy, since I had only few hours to set it up to be ready for the grapeharvest in September 2004. Older entries are a fake-solution I have made to be able to run the blog in several languages.
Do you need my help?
I am pleased to write about chamagne - it's obvious, I hope - or France in general. I can help you plan your trip. Show you around at our place or at other's places in Danish or English. We talk about the price. Mail me here.
My background:
Factual version: LinkedIn
Litterary version:Blog began with grapeharvest
That is why I came to France
Computers, radio, web
France, language, integration
Champagne is a great synthesis
Hey, mail me
Blog began with grapeharvest
I came to France on maternity leave, with 15 years of work experience mainly from Danmark to start all over again at my first grapeharvest in September 2004. Picking grapes is rather exotic for a Dane, only now you hear about vineyards here and there on particular sunny slopes, there was certainly none when I grew up. Now I'm pretty
convinced that you don't find many wineregions in the world, that harvest and grow the grapes in a more back to basics-way than you'll find in Champagne. So much of the work is still completely manual.
So the blog began with pictures and diary from this first grapeharvest of mine. I uploaded everything via the phoneline. Since then we have installed a fast connection, thank God.
Already pushing the stroller of my son through the neighbouring vineyards I begain to get interested in the work. I wondered. What were all these men and women doing, day after day all winter, all spring. They cleaned, they pruned, they attached. And later I learned to do it as well.
Gradually, as I got better in French, I began to read about to theory of the vineyards, the impressive history of the development of champagne and the history of this great very wartorn region. It was the first subject in France, that challenged me so much, that I basically learned French, because I just had to read it. So it became my gateway into French language, French culture and French way-of-thinking.
To the top
That is why I came to France
I Jeg havnede i Frankrig efter at have stået imod i 12 år. Med god grund. En fransk landsby er ikke noget let sted at holde sig på benene. Nu er vi imidlertid fire, så det er ikke længere kun mine behov, der tæller. Jeg kom i begyndelsen af min barselsorlov efter at have født Clement i 2003. Det var især Clements og nu Evas, og for dem er det godt, at vi er her.
Nogle gange hader jeg det. Nogle gange nyder jeg det. Solskinsturene i den orange-røde efterårsskov med dens gennemtrængende duft af muld og kulde. Forårsturene i vinmarker med knopper, der er på bristepunktet, og hvor jeg netop aner spidsen af årets første lyserøde blad. Stæreflokkenes kredsen over efterladte vindruer.
Den brogede historie i dette land, der har invaderet af alle de plager, der har været i Europa: Hunnere, romere, vikinger, tyskere, russere, englændere og sikkert flere endnu. Hver gang nogen graver mere end 10 centimeter ned i Reims' undergrund dukker der et eller andet uvurderligt frem af så stor vigtighed, at man må skrive et par linjer af historien om. Dette er gammelt kulturland på en måde, der ikke findes i f.eks Danmark. Endelig er der jo champagnen og før den almindelig vin, der har præget regionens udvikling i mange hundrede år.
Den slags giver rødder af en anden karakter end mine, der det meste af mit liv har været der, hvor jeg sluttede min computer til. Den moderne verden med andre ord. Der hvor man tjekker sin email mindst én gang om dagen.
To the top
Computers, radio, web
Min karriere begyndte som programmør på Philips. Temmelig internationalt og sjovt det meste af tiden. Jeg var nu ikke så interesseret i Philips, deres salg og sådan noget, men jeg trivedes rigtig godt sammen med Philips' mennesker både i København, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, London, Paris og Eindhoven. En god tid.
Det var også dengang jeg gik i skole hele tiden ved siden af mit arbejde. Filosofi på Københavns Universitet i halvandet år, diverse engelsk- og franskkurser. Tværfløjte. Journalistik.
Netop fyldt 25 år kom jeg ind på Journalisthøjskolen. Boede i Århus. Min by var altid København, sådan er det stadig, og jeg får det altid bekræftet, når jeg bor andre steder. Da jeg startede på DJH, stoppede jeg alle de andre skoler. Journalistik - at søge og ordne viden - var nok i sig selv. Jeg elsker ord.
Efter skolen lavede jeg radio i Åbenrå. Jeg ELSKEDE også at lave radio, og at optage lyd. Det var ligesom at være barn igen. Jeg var også glad for at få en tid i Sønderjylland, som jeg havde hørt så helt utrolig meget om fra min mormor, der boede der under slut 30'ernes kulturkamp og det meste af 2. Verdenskrig. Til sidst elskede jeg ikke at være langt væk fra mit netværk og søgte tilbage til øerne.
I Odense begyndte jeg at lave netjournalistik som en af de første i Danmark, inden it-boblen bristede og alt det der. På hvad der må være det første længere kursus i Danmark i at skabe indhold på nettet i 1999 var der højt til loftet og plads til begejstring.
Jeg var med til at udvikle både det brede nyhedssite på Politiken.dk og det dybe på Bobler.blogspot.com. Hvis jeg havde mere tid til at sætte mig ind i sagerne, ville jeg fluks afsøge og udlege mulighederne i de nye sociale tjenester som f.eks. Facebook.
To the top
France, language, integration
Til Frankrig kom jeg, fordi jeg ville give det en chance, lære fransk og forsøge at forstå franskmænd, inklusive Alain, der dog altid har været lige så internationalt orienteret som jeg, rejst og arbejdet over hele Europa på flere sprog.
Det ene år, jeg havde barsel med mit første barn fra mit job i Danmark var ikke nok til at lære det franske at kende, og det var vigtigt for mig, fordi vi jo som familie på godt og ondt må leve og bo i to kulturer. Jeg vurderede meget tidligt, at det ikke er muligt at forstå den franske landkultur uden at tale fransk og bo i den. Den er meget lukket. Selv for franskmænd fra byen, har jeg efterhånden lært.
Desuden har jeg to børn, der skal lære dansk, hvilket ikke er noget, der kommer af sig selv, har jeg fundet ud af. Men foreløbigt kommer det, min søn er tosproget og håndterer uden problemer samtaler på to sprog ad gangen. Vi andre har også efterhånden lært at håndtere tre sprog i hovedet af gangen. Det tog lang tid at lære. Det er besværligt både ved middagsbordet og i omgang med andre, men jeg stoler fuldt og fast på, at det er indsatsen værd.
Integration er en yderst interessant sportsgren. Nogen gange kunne jeg ønske mig, at jeg ikke havde hovedrollen. Andre gange sætter jeg pris på det ekstra perspektiv, jeg altid kan give her, og får i Danmark. Prisen er isolation, jeg fjerner mig fra det jeg kom af men oplever ikke at jeg tilsvarende nærmer mig det, jeg er kommet til.
To the top
Champagne is a great synthesis
Min blog kom dels til at fungere som den kanal, jeg skrev på, i en tid, hvor jeg ikke ret nemt kunne virke som journalist, fordi jeg ikke kunne fransk nok til at lave egentlige historier herfra.
I stedet har jeg målrettet indsatsen mod champagne, hvis historie og arbejde jeg meget tidligt blev fascineret af. Jeg har altid godt kunne lide modsat-rettede dynamikker, i Kbh elskede jeg Christianshavn for dets blanding af rigdom og slum. Champagnes dynamik henter sit spændingsfelt i mødet mellem den meget landlige druedyrkning og de umådeligt rige og globalt orienterede champagnehuse, der er gensidigt afhængige af hinanden og for det meste respekterer denne balance.
Bloggen blev en form for syntese, hvor jeg forener mine tidligere interesser med den nuværende. Den engelske oversættelse var oprindeligt for at også Alain - det går sgu ikke så hurtigt med indlæring af dansk som jeg kunne ønske mig - kunne læse med og rette mine eventuelle brølere.
Den fungerer både som min dagbog fra vinmarkerne, mine betragtninger, nyheder og kommentarer. Skulle nogen være i tvivl, står det hele naturligvis for min egen regning. Jeg forsøger at være fair, hugger f.eks. ikke andres citater i urimelig grad og aldrig uden at citere og gerne også linke til det relevante sted. Ellers lever nettet ikke, og det går jeg - om nogen - ind for. Jeg anvender gratis software og har derfor valgt ikke at have reklamer på bobler. Man er hjertelig velkommen til at linke til mig, jeg låner også gerne billeder og/eller tekst i rimelig grad. Men i så fald: Spørg lige om lov først, ikk'? Selvom man kan hugge i løbet af to sekunder, findes almindelig høflighed stadig, også i den digitale tidsalder.
To the top
Hey, mail me
Kommentarer er rigtig dejlige. Man skal desværre bruge et øjeblik på at oprette sig som bruger i www.blogger.com for at kunne kommentere. Det kan jeg ikke gøre noget ved andet end at opfordre til det, hvis man har noget at sige. Gør det nu. Så kan du fortælle mig, hvad du synes her bagefter.
To the top
The baby eventually came out as a blog. Its kind was not very important to me. It had to be fast and easy, since I had only few hours to set it up to be ready for the grapeharvest in September 2004. Older entries are a fake-solution I have made to be able to run the blog in several languages.
Do you need my help?
I am pleased to write about chamagne - it's obvious, I hope - or France in general. I can help you plan your trip. Show you around at our place or at other's places in Danish or English. We talk about the price. Mail me here.
My background:
Factual version: LinkedIn
Litterary version:
Blog began with grapeharvest
I came to France on maternity leave, with 15 years of work experience mainly from Danmark to start all over again at my first grapeharvest in September 2004. Picking grapes is rather exotic for a Dane, only now you hear about vineyards here and there on particular sunny slopes, there was certainly none when I grew up. Now I'm pretty
convinced that you don't find many wineregions in the world, that harvest and grow the grapes in a more back to basics-way than you'll find in Champagne. So much of the work is still completely manual.
So the blog began with pictures and diary from this first grapeharvest of mine. I uploaded everything via the phoneline. Since then we have installed a fast connection, thank God.
Already pushing the stroller of my son through the neighbouring vineyards I begain to get interested in the work. I wondered. What were all these men and women doing, day after day all winter, all spring. They cleaned, they pruned, they attached. And later I learned to do it as well.
Gradually, as I got better in French, I began to read about to theory of the vineyards, the impressive history of the development of champagne and the history of this great very wartorn region. It was the first subject in France, that challenged me so much, that I basically learned French, because I just had to read it. So it became my gateway into French language, French culture and French way-of-thinking.
To the top
That is why I came to France
I Jeg havnede i Frankrig efter at have stået imod i 12 år. Med god grund. En fransk landsby er ikke noget let sted at holde sig på benene. Nu er vi imidlertid fire, så det er ikke længere kun mine behov, der tæller. Jeg kom i begyndelsen af min barselsorlov efter at have født Clement i 2003. Det var især Clements og nu Evas, og for dem er det godt, at vi er her.
Nogle gange hader jeg det. Nogle gange nyder jeg det. Solskinsturene i den orange-røde efterårsskov med dens gennemtrængende duft af muld og kulde. Forårsturene i vinmarker med knopper, der er på bristepunktet, og hvor jeg netop aner spidsen af årets første lyserøde blad. Stæreflokkenes kredsen over efterladte vindruer.
Den brogede historie i dette land, der har invaderet af alle de plager, der har været i Europa: Hunnere, romere, vikinger, tyskere, russere, englændere og sikkert flere endnu. Hver gang nogen graver mere end 10 centimeter ned i Reims' undergrund dukker der et eller andet uvurderligt frem af så stor vigtighed, at man må skrive et par linjer af historien om. Dette er gammelt kulturland på en måde, der ikke findes i f.eks Danmark. Endelig er der jo champagnen og før den almindelig vin, der har præget regionens udvikling i mange hundrede år.
Den slags giver rødder af en anden karakter end mine, der det meste af mit liv har været der, hvor jeg sluttede min computer til. Den moderne verden med andre ord. Der hvor man tjekker sin email mindst én gang om dagen.
To the top
Computers, radio, web
Min karriere begyndte som programmør på Philips. Temmelig internationalt og sjovt det meste af tiden. Jeg var nu ikke så interesseret i Philips, deres salg og sådan noget, men jeg trivedes rigtig godt sammen med Philips' mennesker både i København, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, London, Paris og Eindhoven. En god tid.
Det var også dengang jeg gik i skole hele tiden ved siden af mit arbejde. Filosofi på Københavns Universitet i halvandet år, diverse engelsk- og franskkurser. Tværfløjte. Journalistik.
Netop fyldt 25 år kom jeg ind på Journalisthøjskolen. Boede i Århus. Min by var altid København, sådan er det stadig, og jeg får det altid bekræftet, når jeg bor andre steder. Da jeg startede på DJH, stoppede jeg alle de andre skoler. Journalistik - at søge og ordne viden - var nok i sig selv. Jeg elsker ord.
Efter skolen lavede jeg radio i Åbenrå. Jeg ELSKEDE også at lave radio, og at optage lyd. Det var ligesom at være barn igen. Jeg var også glad for at få en tid i Sønderjylland, som jeg havde hørt så helt utrolig meget om fra min mormor, der boede der under slut 30'ernes kulturkamp og det meste af 2. Verdenskrig. Til sidst elskede jeg ikke at være langt væk fra mit netværk og søgte tilbage til øerne.
I Odense begyndte jeg at lave netjournalistik som en af de første i Danmark, inden it-boblen bristede og alt det der. På hvad der må være det første længere kursus i Danmark i at skabe indhold på nettet i 1999 var der højt til loftet og plads til begejstring.
Jeg var med til at udvikle både det brede nyhedssite på Politiken.dk og det dybe på Bobler.blogspot.com. Hvis jeg havde mere tid til at sætte mig ind i sagerne, ville jeg fluks afsøge og udlege mulighederne i de nye sociale tjenester som f.eks. Facebook.
To the top
France, language, integration
Til Frankrig kom jeg, fordi jeg ville give det en chance, lære fransk og forsøge at forstå franskmænd, inklusive Alain, der dog altid har været lige så internationalt orienteret som jeg, rejst og arbejdet over hele Europa på flere sprog.
Det ene år, jeg havde barsel med mit første barn fra mit job i Danmark var ikke nok til at lære det franske at kende, og det var vigtigt for mig, fordi vi jo som familie på godt og ondt må leve og bo i to kulturer. Jeg vurderede meget tidligt, at det ikke er muligt at forstå den franske landkultur uden at tale fransk og bo i den. Den er meget lukket. Selv for franskmænd fra byen, har jeg efterhånden lært.
Desuden har jeg to børn, der skal lære dansk, hvilket ikke er noget, der kommer af sig selv, har jeg fundet ud af. Men foreløbigt kommer det, min søn er tosproget og håndterer uden problemer samtaler på to sprog ad gangen. Vi andre har også efterhånden lært at håndtere tre sprog i hovedet af gangen. Det tog lang tid at lære. Det er besværligt både ved middagsbordet og i omgang med andre, men jeg stoler fuldt og fast på, at det er indsatsen værd.
Integration er en yderst interessant sportsgren. Nogen gange kunne jeg ønske mig, at jeg ikke havde hovedrollen. Andre gange sætter jeg pris på det ekstra perspektiv, jeg altid kan give her, og får i Danmark. Prisen er isolation, jeg fjerner mig fra det jeg kom af men oplever ikke at jeg tilsvarende nærmer mig det, jeg er kommet til.
To the top
Champagne is a great synthesis
Min blog kom dels til at fungere som den kanal, jeg skrev på, i en tid, hvor jeg ikke ret nemt kunne virke som journalist, fordi jeg ikke kunne fransk nok til at lave egentlige historier herfra.
I stedet har jeg målrettet indsatsen mod champagne, hvis historie og arbejde jeg meget tidligt blev fascineret af. Jeg har altid godt kunne lide modsat-rettede dynamikker, i Kbh elskede jeg Christianshavn for dets blanding af rigdom og slum. Champagnes dynamik henter sit spændingsfelt i mødet mellem den meget landlige druedyrkning og de umådeligt rige og globalt orienterede champagnehuse, der er gensidigt afhængige af hinanden og for det meste respekterer denne balance.
Bloggen blev en form for syntese, hvor jeg forener mine tidligere interesser med den nuværende. Den engelske oversættelse var oprindeligt for at også Alain - det går sgu ikke så hurtigt med indlæring af dansk som jeg kunne ønske mig - kunne læse med og rette mine eventuelle brølere.
Den fungerer både som min dagbog fra vinmarkerne, mine betragtninger, nyheder og kommentarer. Skulle nogen være i tvivl, står det hele naturligvis for min egen regning. Jeg forsøger at være fair, hugger f.eks. ikke andres citater i urimelig grad og aldrig uden at citere og gerne også linke til det relevante sted. Ellers lever nettet ikke, og det går jeg - om nogen - ind for. Jeg anvender gratis software og har derfor valgt ikke at have reklamer på bobler. Man er hjertelig velkommen til at linke til mig, jeg låner også gerne billeder og/eller tekst i rimelig grad. Men i så fald: Spørg lige om lov først, ikk'? Selvom man kan hugge i løbet af to sekunder, findes almindelig høflighed stadig, også i den digitale tidsalder.
To the top
Hey, mail me
Kommentarer er rigtig dejlige. Man skal desværre bruge et øjeblik på at oprette sig som bruger i www.blogger.com for at kunne kommentere. Det kan jeg ikke gøre noget ved andet end at opfordre til det, hvis man har noget at sige. Gør det nu. Så kan du fortælle mig, hvad du synes her bagefter.
To the top
16 November, 2002
Say champagne to your tapas
Champagne works just perfect as an aperitif. Served with fingerfood tapas style instead of or as part of the starter, it's even better.
The very basic possibilities are crisps, olives, slices of good sausages and/or cheeses. The variations are just about infinite.
I usually upgrade, inspired by some of the following themes:
Dry or sweet champagne?
These little dishes work fine with dry champagnes, that is variations within the brut and ultra brut-ranges with a dosage of 15 grams of sugar per liter or less. They are the most common ones anyway.
In Denmark a house like Veuve Clicquot-Ponsardin sell quite a few bottles of the sweeter demi-sec, probably because of the immortal - apparently - Danish tradition of serving the champagne with sweet almond cake New Year's Eve.
The very basic possibilities are crisps, olives, slices of good sausages and/or cheeses. The variations are just about infinite.
I usually upgrade, inspired by some of the following themes:
- Crudité: raw vegetables - carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, cauliflower -with dip and/or NEW RECIPIE: tapenade
- Bread with a little something: Blinis, grissini, little pieces of bread, oatcakes with caviar of aubergine, tapenade, fish rillettes, tuna mousse, tomatopesto and so on.
- Cake salé - salty cake, that may contain feta-cheese, red pebbers, smoked ham or salmon, olives, nuts and much more.
Dry or sweet champagne?
These little dishes work fine with dry champagnes, that is variations within the brut and ultra brut-ranges with a dosage of 15 grams of sugar per liter or less. They are the most common ones anyway.
In Denmark a house like Veuve Clicquot-Ponsardin sell quite a few bottles of the sweeter demi-sec, probably because of the immortal - apparently - Danish tradition of serving the champagne with sweet almond cake New Year's Eve.
Black tapenade
50 grams of black olives
2 tablespoons of capers
A handful of chopped parsley
One clove of chopped garlic
One tablespoon of lemonjuice
1/2 dl of olive oil
Herbes de Provence
Salt and pebber
Tapenade is an olive spread from Southern France. It is spiced with a mix of herbs called herbes de Provence. It consists of thyme, wild thyme, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, basil, chervil, lovage, sarriette, lavender and fennel.
Prepare this dish only with good olives, you stone yourself.
Chop everything fine with a food processor, if you want your tapenade very smooth. Otherwise chop it manually.
Add less or a bit more olive oil until the tapenade gets the consistency you like.
I use coarser versions for pasta, softer versions to dip or spread.
Good salt works well in a dish like this.
Try out others types of olives, salty anchovies and so on.
NB: Some would advice not to eat garlic at all when you drink champagne.
2 tablespoons of capers
A handful of chopped parsley
One clove of chopped garlic
One tablespoon of lemonjuice
1/2 dl of olive oil
Herbes de Provence
Salt and pebber
NB: Some would advice not to eat garlic at all when you drink champagne.
Sort tapenade
50 gram sorte oliven
2 spsk kapers
En håndfuld hk persille
1 fed hvidløg
1 spsk citronsaft
1/2 dl olivenolie
Herbes de Provence
Salt og peber
Tapenade er oliven-smørepålæg fra Sydfrankrig. Det er krydret med blandingen herbes de Provence (urter fra Provence), der består af timian, vild timian, merian, oregano, rosmarin, basilikum, kørvel, estragon, løvstikke, sar, lavendel og fennikel.
Lav det kun med gode oliven, du selv udstener.
Findel alt med foodprocessor, hvis du ønsker tapenaden helt jævn. Ellers hakker du det groft på et skærebrædt.
Tilsæt mere eller mindre olivenolie til tapenaden får en passende konsistens.
Jeg bruger grove versioner i pasta, linde versioner til dip eller smørepålæg.
Godt salt kommer til sin ret her.
Eksperimentér med andre oliventyper, ansjoser af den salte sardel-type osv.
NB: Ifølge nogen råd skal man holde sig fra hvidløg, når man drikke champagne. Det gør jeg ikke, men jeg vælter ikke hvidløgsfed i maden.
2 spsk kapers
En håndfuld hk persille
1 fed hvidløg
1 spsk citronsaft
1/2 dl olivenolie
Herbes de Provence
Salt og peber
NB: Ifølge nogen råd skal man holde sig fra hvidløg, når man drikke champagne. Det gør jeg ikke, men jeg vælter ikke hvidløgsfed i maden.
15 November, 2002
Kitsch and co. from Piper
Okay, this is cool in the exaggerated, slightly vulgar way, that only a champagne house can strike and actually manage to add to their glamourous image rather than loosing it. So here goes: One point to Piper Heidsieck for that.
Unfortunately the publicity site of designers Viktor & Rolfs for Piper Heidsiecks Rosé Sauvage happens to be so laboured, that I could not figure out how to get into it during those couple of minutes I could care. Just wonder who would then. Since I after all have quite an interest in it. After all it's champagne.
*** The day after I wrote this - today - I tried again, and dadum the site worked. It's still heavy, because it's full of web-meringue covering up a lot of nothing. By the way, it's a crime not check that your site actually works before you open it as well. Honestly, Piper-Heidsieck. If I didn't know better, I would start wondering if this how you deal with your champagnes too. ***
Super house
Luckily I know that Piper Heidsieck is a super house, even it does not perform as much on the big global scene as some of the collegues. Don't pay too much attention to that. Even they do offend the web when they introduce yet another annoying, heavy and useless site. The idea to turn everything upside down still has its charms.
Tainted with red wine
The wild rosé is an assemblage, which means it is a blend, that has achieved the colour from redwine, aged for two years. The nose is fresh red fruit with notes of mandarin and grapefruit with hints of cinnamon and fig. The mouth is red plums, clementine and blood orange with a touch of pistachio.
Piper-Heidsieck, by the way, just installed 50 steel vats, each contains 50 hectolitres, to keep their reserve wines. Nothing cool about them. They're just practical. As opposed to the way Viktor and Rolf communicate.
Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin hit the same note in their pink campaign about a year ago.
Unfortunately the publicity site of designers Viktor & Rolfs for Piper Heidsiecks Rosé Sauvage happens to be so laboured, that I could not figure out how to get into it during those couple of minutes I could care. Just wonder who would then. Since I after all have quite an interest in it. After all it's champagne.
*** The day after I wrote this - today - I tried again, and dadum the site worked. It's still heavy, because it's full of web-meringue covering up a lot of nothing. By the way, it's a crime not check that your site actually works before you open it as well. Honestly, Piper-Heidsieck. If I didn't know better, I would start wondering if this how you deal with your champagnes too. ***
Super house
Luckily I know that Piper Heidsieck is a super house, even it does not perform as much on the big global scene as some of the collegues. Don't pay too much attention to that. Even they do offend the web when they introduce yet another annoying, heavy and useless site. The idea to turn everything upside down still has its charms.
Tainted with red wine
The wild rosé is an assemblage, which means it is a blend, that has achieved the colour from redwine, aged for two years. The nose is fresh red fruit with notes of mandarin and grapefruit with hints of cinnamon and fig. The mouth is red plums, clementine and blood orange with a touch of pistachio.
Piper-Heidsieck, by the way, just installed 50 steel vats, each contains 50 hectolitres, to keep their reserve wines. Nothing cool about them. They're just practical. As opposed to the way Viktor and Rolf communicate.
Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin hit the same note in their pink campaign about a year ago.
11 November, 2002
This year we have decided to pre-prune the vines.
The theory is, that you with a machine walk up and down the rows of vines and simply cut off everything above the upper iron thread.
In December when we will begin the real pruning, it is supposed to make it a lot easier to set free the branches. Such is the idea anyway.
Most winegrowers, that we know, are already pre-pruning, and I guess, since most people normally try to organise their work in as effective a way as they can, it may be worth trying it for us as well. Alain thinks it's waste of time.
We shall see.
The theory is, that you with a machine walk up and down the rows of vines and simply cut off everything above the upper iron thread.
In December when we will begin the real pruning, it is supposed to make it a lot easier to set free the branches. Such is the idea anyway.
Most winegrowers, that we know, are already pre-pruning, and I guess, since most people normally try to organise their work in as effective a way as they can, it may be worth trying it for us as well. Alain thinks it's waste of time.
We shall see.
09 November, 2002
Do and dont's of bubbly
Martha Stewart - the one and only - has a list of do and don'ts regarding sparkling wines as well. Of course. Since Martha doesn't know everything, I have added my comments too.
- Choose a tall glass - flute or tulip - it preserves the bubbles longer, says Martha. It also lets you enjoy the spectacular buoyancy of the bubbles - this is what the French call train de bulles, I add.
Martha continues, that, a tall glass is better to enjoy the bouquet of the champagne. I wonder. Since the aromas are more easy to recognize in a big glass, made for wine tasting. But then again, the bigger surface will make the bubbles leave faster. Forget about low and bowl-shaped glasses.
Personally I prefer a tall but not too big glass, so I have a chance to empty it before it heats up too much, since I'm not a fast drinker. Hold around the stem instead of the glass to avoid warming up the content with your fingers. - Sparkling wine must be served chilled, Martha goes on. Cool the bottle(s) in the fridge some hours - well, I'd say 24 hours, but not days - before serving. The rest of the food in the fridge may have aromas, that can enter through the cork, if the bottle stays too long.
A faster and more spectacular possibility is to cool in a cooler with water and ice. 20 minutes should do the job.
Serve the champagne between 8 and 10 degrees Celsius. Old vintage champagnes between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius. Be careful that your wine has an appropriate temperature. It will for instance not stay cool if you leave it on the table for an hour. - Now we have choosen the glasses, cooled the bottle, and it's time to open it. Remove the gold foil and loosen the metal thread that keeps the cork in place. Place a finger over the cork to prevent from leaving the bottle at the wrong moment, is the advice from Martha.
This could happen, if the bottle has been shaked too much. One way you can calm it down is to put it in the freezer a little while (my idea, not Martha's). But don't forget it. And remember it's a way to calm the bubbles not to cool them fast. This you obtain even faster in a bucket with water and ice.
To open. Hold the bottle where it does not point at anyone in an angle of not more than 45 degrees. Twist the bottle - not the cork - with the other hand, until the cork leaves the bottle with a quiet sigh, as it's described somewhere in the literature.
Rillettes with fish
After a holiday in La Vendée on the French Atlantic coast I brought back four glasses with different versions of fish rilletes, and discovered how easy they are to prepare and how well they marry with champagne as a starter or with the aperitif.
200 grammes of fish, cod, maquerel, salmon and so on.
1-2 decilitres of creme fraiche, fat version
1 clove of chopped garlic,
1 coffee spoon of chopped lemon peel (eco lemon)
1-2 big spoons of chopped parsley, dill or other herbs at your choice and taste
Maybe some chopped olives or dried tomatoes
Good salt, grinded pebber
Olive oil
Steam fresh fish. Wrap it in suitable paper and put it in an ovenproof dish at 200 degrees Celsius until the meat is just ready.
Chop the herbs, garlic.
When the fish is cold - leftovers are perfect for this dish - mix the herbs, creme fraiche and fish, grate the lemon peel straight into the bowl. Add salt and pebber. The consistency must not be liquid, but also not very solid. Creme fraiche may have a sour taste, this you adjust with the herbs.
Serve the rillettes with bread as a starter or snack with the aperitif.
200 grammes of fish, cod, maquerel, salmon and so on.
1-2 decilitres of creme fraiche, fat version
1 clove of chopped garlic,
1 coffee spoon of chopped lemon peel (eco lemon)
1-2 big spoons of chopped parsley, dill or other herbs at your choice and taste
Maybe some chopped olives or dried tomatoes
Good salt, grinded pebber
Olive oil
Rillettes er vist mest kendt i versioner med kød. Jeg købte fire glas med forskellige former for fisk på en ferie i La Vendée ved den franske Atlanterhavskyst, og da vi havde spist dem, begyndte jeg at lave den selv. Det er let og godt som forret eller snack til aperitiffen, og desuden fisk uden fiskeben.
200 gram fisk, f.eks. torsk, torskerogn, makrel osv.
1-2 dl creme fraiche, den fede
1 fed hk hvidløg
1 tsk hk citronskal (ubehandlet citron)
1-2 spsk hk persille, dild eller andre urter efter smag og behag
Eventuelt lidt hk oliven eller soltørret tomat
Havsalt, peber
Frisk fisk dampes. F.eks. pakket ind i bagepapir i et ildfast fad med lidt vand i ved 200 grader, til kødet akkurat er færdigt.
Urter, hvidløg med videre hakkes.
Når fisken er kold - rester er perfekt - røres urter, creme fraiche og fisk sammen, citronskal rives direkte over, og det hele smages til med salt og peber. Konsistensen må ikke være flydende, men heller ikke så fast, at den kan skæres i skiver. Fransk creme fraiche er mindre syrlig end den danske, det justerer man med urterne.
Rillettes serveres med brød som forret eller som en lille ret til aperitiffen.
200 gram fisk, f.eks. torsk, torskerogn, makrel osv.
1-2 dl creme fraiche, den fede
1 fed hk hvidløg
1 tsk hk citronskal (ubehandlet citron)
1-2 spsk hk persille, dild eller andre urter efter smag og behag
Eventuelt lidt hk oliven eller soltørret tomat
Havsalt, peber
Modern manners, my darling
Okay, I have said these things too. Several times, in one single entry and scattered around in several of the posts of these last three years. But I don't pretend to posess true British punch, and I am certainly not the guide of The Times in modern manners.
Philip Howard is, and he goes: Remember to enjoy your champagne, don't spill it and don't just opt for the well known brands, go try some of the supermarket champagnes as well.
Since it's good. In England anyway, because the big supermarkets send their own and good buyers to the right places in Champagne to trade. I'm not quite convinced, that's the case in Denmark. That is, I'm quite convinced, it's not, since the choice in most places even wineshops is rather poor.
Read the rest at The Times Online.
The one and only Martha Stewart has also devoted some time to the etiquette of bubbly. Read her advice complemented by mine (since Martha actually doesn't know everything, did you know that?) here. If you want to open your bottle the cool way, you do
like this.
And maybe you should go else where than just The Times for your wine critis. It's also great to check out more than just one source. It goes for champagne as well ;-)
Philip Howard is, and he goes: Remember to enjoy your champagne, don't spill it and don't just opt for the well known brands, go try some of the supermarket champagnes as well.
Since it's good. In England anyway, because the big supermarkets send their own and good buyers to the right places in Champagne to trade. I'm not quite convinced, that's the case in Denmark. That is, I'm quite convinced, it's not, since the choice in most places even wineshops is rather poor.
Read the rest at The Times Online.
The one and only Martha Stewart has also devoted some time to the etiquette of bubbly. Read her advice complemented by mine (since Martha actually doesn't know everything, did you know that?) here. If you want to open your bottle the cool way, you do
like this.
And maybe you should go else where than just The Times for your wine critis. It's also great to check out more than just one source. It goes for champagne as well ;-)
04 November, 2002
Bubbly blogs
French winegrowers follow the wake of the global blog fever. Writing, taking photoes in their vineyards and caves. Lots of them explains and tells happily and even frequently in width as well as depth about the passion, they share with their customers: Great wines.
In Rome, do as the Romans, in France the French speak French, winegrowers too:
Franck Pascal: website, blog
Francis Boulard: website, blog
Laherte: website, blog
Benoit Tarlant: website, blog
Cyril Janisson: website, blog
Some has taken advantage of the translation tool of Google. The resultats does not always make a lot of sense, but maybe it's better than nothing, should your French be a little rusty.
Outsinde Champagne, there are lots and lots of French wineblogs to dig into here. This blog won a trophy as best wineblog in the Salon des Vins in Loire in 2007.
To buy champagne, try www.1855.com. It's French, and the selection of bubbly is impressive. To find tastings in Enlgish, try Jancis Robinson or the Wineanorak.
In Rome, do as the Romans, in France the French speak French, winegrowers too:
Some has taken advantage of the translation tool of Google. The resultats does not always make a lot of sense, but maybe it's better than nothing, should your French be a little rusty.
Outsinde Champagne, there are lots and lots of French wineblogs to dig into here. This blog won a trophy as best wineblog in the Salon des Vins in Loire in 2007.
To buy champagne, try www.1855.com. It's French, and the selection of bubbly is impressive. To find tastings in Enlgish, try Jancis Robinson or the Wineanorak.
02 November, 2002
Salty cake with red pebber and fetacheese
One red pebber
1/2 green pebber
150 grams of feta-cheese
50 grams of black olives without stones
Three big eggs
150 grams of flour
10 grams of baking powder
Six tablespoons of olive oil
Six tablespoons of whole milk
100 grams of grated cheese, for instance emmentaler
Salt, pebber
Remove seeds from the pebbers and slice them in very small pieces.
Fry the pebbers 10 minutes in one tablespoon of olive oil, add salt and pebber.
Let them cool on kitchen roll paper.
Slice the feta in small pieces.
Turn the oven on, 180 degrees Celsius.
Beat the eggs in a bowl. Add flour, baking powder, salt and pebber. Mix.
Add five tablespoons of olive oil, milk and grated cheese. Stir.
Add olives, pebbers and feta-cheese. Mix again.
Pour the dough into a mould for cake and bake it about 45 minutes.
Take the cake out of the mould and cool it on a cooling tray 10 minutes.
Cut the cake in nice pieces, for instance cubes and serve them.
1/2 green pebber
150 grams of feta-cheese
50 grams of black olives without stones
Three big eggs
150 grams of flour
10 grams of baking powder
Six tablespoons of olive oil
Six tablespoons of whole milk
100 grams of grated cheese, for instance emmentaler
Salt, pebber
Salt kage med peber og feta
En rød peber
1/2 grøn peber
150 gram feta
50 gram sorte oliven uden sten
Tre store æg
150 gram mel
10 gram bagepulver
Seks spsk olivenolie
Seks spsk sødmælk
100 gram revet ost, f.eks. emmentaler
Salt, peber
Fjern kerner fra peberfrugterne og skær dem i meget små stykker.
Steg peberstykker 10 minutter i en spsk olivenolie, tilsæt salt og peber.
Lad dem afkøle på fedtsugende papir.
Skær fetaen i små stykker.
Tænd ovnen, 180 grader Celsius.
Pisk æggene i en skål Tilsæt mel, bagepulver, salt og peber. Bland igen.
Tilsæt fem spsk olivenolie, tempereret mælk og den revne ost. Rør.
Tilsæt oliven, peber og feta. Rør igen.
Hæld dejen i en aflang kageform og bag den i cirka 45 minutter.
Tag kagen ud af formen og lad den afkøle på en bagerist i 10 minutter.
Skær kagen i pæne stykker, for eksempel kuber og servér.
1/2 grøn peber
150 gram feta
50 gram sorte oliven uden sten
Tre store æg
150 gram mel
10 gram bagepulver
Seks spsk olivenolie
Seks spsk sødmælk
100 gram revet ost, f.eks. emmentaler
Salt, peber
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