This story is about the colour of yellow. Thus, we are somehow shareholders.
This is also a story about big and small and that sometimes world brands sue much smaller, much lesser known companies.
Like this one where a big champagnehouse has taken a small winegrower to court over its usage of the colour of yellow.
Ok, the colour of this particular yellow is the identity of this big champagnehouse. However when you compare the two labels as Wine-Searcher presents them, you may wonder a bit about the fuzz. You may also wonder if there is anything to win this way anyway. Not for me to decide.
I get the idea that you may wonder why the story never seems to go the other way round. Why do small companies rarely - never seems such a big word - sue the bigger ones?
Seen from our point of view, I can tell you that it is not because small companies do not have ideas. Even good ideas.
However, should they feel bothered when it comes to the protection of these, they don't have neither the money nor the time to orchestrate and participate in such court battles.
So be it... they just have to come up with another and better idea. Which they will then do.
We started out with a rather unusual yellow label ourselves five years ago. Some people like it, and some do not.
Not long ago I was a bit surprised to see someone else's champagne bottle with a label of pretty much the same acid sort of yellow.
Maybe just a coincidence. Maybe the two yellows are not that close in real life. Maybe we both got inspired the same way. Or maybe somebody actually dit borrow from us.
I will most likely never know.
But we may want to give it a go to come up with something else some day. Luckily our ideas are as good as anybody else's, free of tax and just a matter of thought and dedication, and we can have a lot of them in the time we could spend dealing with legal matters.
Jeg har flasken med den gule etiket på skrivebordet. Tom!
Det var en stor nydelse, og indholdet fik roser fra vore luxembourgske venner som smagte med, og som er langt mere inde i vinens mysterier end vi.
Jeg håber, at hvidkløveren vokser godt til og at den vil gøre den ønskede gavn i jeres vinmarker.
Det er rigtig godt at høre, Farmer. Tak skal du have, og det lyder som om, at du også godt kunne lide den, selvom du ikke er ligeså langt inde i vinsmagningens ædle kunst.
Jeg synes, at min erfaring er, at selvom folk ikke har stor erfaring med at smage ædle vine og beskrive oplevelsen i en anerkendt terminologi, så er få i tvivl om, hvilken vin der er god og hvilken der er mindre god.
Jeg går faktisk og beskærer i den mark, hvor vi har sået kløver, og jeg synes nu ikke, at der er imponerende meget. Men det kan jo nå at komme. Vi er ikke begyndt at strø af din pose endnu. Stol trygt på, at jeg vil følge den tæt det kommende år.
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