These days and weeks the meetings of cold and warm air creates a lot of mist, that hangs over our heads almost until noon.
The weekend has presented us with very pleasant and mild temperatures. I get cold very easily, so I still perform in the vineyards covered with all my winter equipment. But I must admit I felt warm this sunday morning. Alain worked with short sleeves under his jacket.
Monday the weather reversed and once again took the tough line. Not at any time we have had more than five degrees Celsius in the yard - still completely in the shade - outside our house. The plateau Montagne de Reims behind us is not more than a couple of 100 meters tall but that is enough to keep the sunshine away from our yard more than half of the year.

Today - tuesday - the sun is back at full speed. The birds sing as if they were payed for it. In a couple of days the first daffodils will bloom in my garden. There is still plenty of possibilites to have the dangerous frost of spring, but I am more and more convinced, that winter is over for good.
Which is not great when you have another half hectare of not-yet-pruned vines 50 kilometers away from this keyboard. Combined with babysitting that explains why I write instead of prune. On top of that my body is resting.
Curing limbs and joints
I guess it hardens your body if you have pruned from childhood. Somebody like me who is learning, can on top of being slow add a completely new kind of contact with my body.
Constantly I hear from limbs or joints who want to tell me, that they find our daily life with baby much more gentle than this new idea to go and prune the vines. After a weekend like this the loin, arms, knees and various are sore and tired. What a desktop worker turned physical.
My respect for people who have done this in 40 years, and since they were 16, is almost unlimited by now. Alains uncle around 70 years is one of them, and he still prunes.
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Copyright: The copyright for text and photos at bobler.blogspot.com belongs to Solveig Tange. You may use my articles, photos or parts of them for non-commercial use and if I am credited as the author. Feel free to link to this site but not in your own frameset please.
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