Pinot Noir-vines end the season with great autumn colours.
The colours of the vines just do not get any greater than right now in early November. It is time to enjoy if you enjoy green changing into all kinds of red and orange. The show does not last long.
As we drove through the Côte des Blancs today, it was obvious, that the dominating Chardonnay-vines are close to reveal just about everything that is under the summerwall of leaves. Now, the events of the season for Chardonnay normally are some days ahead of the two Pinot, when it comes to the burst of buds as well as the falling leaves.
In some plots just a few withered leaves are what is left of the leaves. In other plots wind or cold temperatures is needed for the last crescendo of the autumn symphony, where the last leaves of the season final fall.
More grapes mature
Where the leaves fall, grapes become more visible. Some rows have never been harvested... when enough grapes to meet the quota have been picked, whatever is left on the vines will stay until the pruning... Many other places the generous sunshine of October has matured more but often rather small grapes.

Grapes that have matured since the vendange late September.
Somewhere between the Grand Cru-villages Avize and Le-Mesnil-sur-Oger an indeed very early bird has alreay begun the pruning. It is easy to recognice the slim column of smoke, that winds its way up from the fire in the brouette. This special type of wheelbarrow, made by an old oil barrel, is used by lots of vineyardworkers to burn branches during the pruning.
Early pruning
Even in a few vineyards in the area of Verzy people has begun to prune. However it is very early, since there are still lots of leaves left on the vines. The plant is lying dormant only from the time where the leaves fall and until the sap starts to rise in March.
However, not everybody has the choice. It all depends how many vines you have and whether you have to do it in your spare time or not.

The brouette.
Traditionally the best pruning is in March, because the plant is bothered less by the action. You should wait at least until the Saint-Vincent, the patron saint of the winegrowers, who is celebrated on January 21st. We will begin to prune after New Year.
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