08 June, 2001

Mention bien

This may not be the most exciting picture you have seen from Champagne so far, I agree, but it actually captures my state of mind in the hours it was taken quite well...

The place is the village of Bisseul close to Épernay, the date is March 31st, and at this very same time I was sitting in the big, ugly buildings to the right - the vendangeoir of Veuve Clicquot - to do the written part of the pruning exam.

The rest of the day - where there were more interesting photo opportunities and even sun - I was far too much beyond myself to think about photo documentation for posterity.

What I wanted to say anyway was actually just that both Alain and I - with lots of others - are named in the latest edition of Le Vigneron Champenois with a mention bien. Not excactly an A-level, I suppose, but not bad and better than needed to pass anyway.

Now we just wait for our diplomas and the free bar... but this is only at Saint Vincent, January 21st. Hopefully I am finished breast-feeding by then, and thus free to enjoy one of the really nice sides of living in Champagne.

På dansk

Copyright: The copyright for text and photos at bobler.blogspot.com belongs to Solveig Tange. You may use my articles, photos or parts of them for non-commercial use and if I am credited as the author. Feel free to link to this site but not in your own frameset please.

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