05 April, 2001

Oil your scissors

You must take care of good tools, a secateur worth around 60 euros is not excactly cheap.

I have had the opportunity to boast with my new diploma in pruning in front of one of the vignerons from our village, and I'm quite convinced I was almost being offered a job. Had I not said that we have enough vine ourselves to take care of at the moment.

At the same time the lady won at least 10 points as she following my nonchalant announcement of having stored my secateur for the rest of the year asked if I remembered to oil it first.

Of course I did not... but now I will learn how. My old teacher in layout loved the phrase "God is in the detail". I should think the same principle works when you grow vines as well.

A neighbour revealed herself - once again - as a very discreet person as she only now told me, that a professional pruner will do three vines in eight minutes... the last two months I have worried quite a bit about my posibilities of reaching just two in the same amount of time.

På dansk

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