19 April, 2001

The green point is pink

Vinebud just about to unfold. Verzy, April 19th.

A few days with sun seem to have given the vines just what was needed. After having laid dormant in their winter coat in what seems incredibly long the buds almost insensibly have passed the green point, where the fresh, green shoot becomes visible behind the white downs, the brown scales.

The buds bristle, the tender leaves lie nicely folded inside, at their pink breaking point. Very soon we shall see the first leaves, and from then, our friend, the vine, will just grow, grow, grow.

The first leaves visible. Verzy, April 19th.

There are big differences between plots though. Different types of grapes unfold
at different times, also the pruning method matters and then of course more important than anything else the time of pruning. Early pruning, early unfolding.

The differences are obvious. Where the buds in some plots are deliciously pink, others still hide behind the white downs of winter.

The weathergods have announced mild winds and ditto temperatures the next days. So I wonder if not the vines will grow fast. As a revenge for the so far cold spring.

På dansk

Copyright: The copyright for text and photos at bobler.blogspot.com belongs to Solveig Tange. You may use my articles, photos or parts of them for non-commercial use and if I am credited as the author. Feel free to link to this site but not in your own frameset please.

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