A horizontal branch with some small branches of variable length pointing straight up in the air or a mess of branches that entangles into one another but with a common, horizontal starting point. This is the difference between vines that are pruned and vines that are not.
Our guy has finished one fourth of the second and last plot by now. Which is good, I suppose, since the rain has poured down the major part of the week, and on top of that he has broken a toe. Last weekend the status was 20 percent. So it moves forward.
Early spring
Spring develops fast at the moment - in Verzy we have japanese cherries blooming now - the vines, at least our vines in Loisy-en-Brie still lie dormant. When Alain earlier today checked the buds, there was no sign that they are developping. Like for instance the buds on our apple tree in the garden.
But one fourth finished also means three fourths to go. Right now we wait to see what our guy will manage to do the next week. If it is not enough, Alain will have to spend some holidays to finish it fast.
Almost winegrower
So far Alain has delivered one of the small benches on wheels of the family at our young man. Sitting on it, he thinks he can work despite the broken toe. We continue to check the status of the weeke every weekend. At the moment disease hinders a more active contribution.
Soon we will begin the paper work regarding this plot. The idea is, that I will rent it from my mother-in-law. This means that I will officially become a winegrower in France, and I am quite happy about this. And also a little big more interested to make these cordons the best ones on this side of the Alps. Nothing less. Since I am the one who has to clean, if they are not.

På dansk
Copyright: The copyright for text and photos at bobler.blogspot.com belongs to Solveig Tange. You may use my articles, photos or parts of them for non-commercial use and if I am credited as the author. Feel free to link to this site but not in your own frameset please.
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