13 September, 2001

Last preparations

Meunier, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay - Holy Trinity Champagne style.

Two days before we begin to pick the grapes the last preparations is done. Alain has been in the vineyards of the family today to take samples to have them analyzed at the cooperative.

Our Meunier-grapes are so far the best ones - a matter of balance between sugar and acidity - and will most likely be picked as the first, when the team of 12 begin saturday morning. And they really are good, the Meunier-grapes.

Luxury and getting ready
We ate some of them a couple of days ago, and found them both sweet and with the acidity that normally characterizes grapes from this region.

I am still that much of an amateur that I find it very luxurios to eat the most expensive grapes in the world as just a handy dessert.

In Verzy the grapeharvest begin monday and everywhere we see activity: The vendangeoirs are prepared for the pickers, boxes are piled up in front of pressoirs, tractors are shaving the rows for the last time this year and the grass in front of the vineyards is cut as well, which will make it easier for cars, machinery and people to pass.

På dansk

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