View over the Vesle-valley from road in the vines at Verzy, Montagne de Reims, September 11th 2006.
The weather has changed again. After the saddest August as long as anyone can remember the first weeks of September brought Indian Summer and as much as 30 degrees Celsius day after day.
But we are moving away from Midsummer Day towards winter solstice and it is obvious despite the warm days. The dew falls heavily and each morning when I ask whether it has rained last night, Alain tells me, that the moisture is due to the dew. And it stays, the ground now never seems to dry completely like in summer.
The forest smells wet soil, and a haze hangs over the horizon more or less all day. I start to think that this weather is typical for a September in our mountain, since I now this September notice it for the third year. It wraps the horizon in its airy robes in a most pretty and spectacular way. I cannot help noticing, always enjoying.
Unfortunately this meeting between what is wet and what is warm can also be traced in the vines in less wanted ways - disease - so far we have been lucky to avoid: the botrytis and the mildew.

More haze at Villers-Marmery in the Montagne de Reims, September 10th 2006.
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