27 October, 2001

First starlings are here

Flocks of starlings at Avize, October 2005.

I have seen the first starlings circle over the lower vineyards of Verzy.

That autumn is now here is sure. The floor in our garage does not really dry any more. The dew falls heavily at night, and we now see the sun so briefly in our plot, that the ground does not stand a chance to dry before the day is over. Even we still have the most beautiful October sunshine you can imagine.

Yesterday I spend all afternoon talking in the kitchen of a friend. As we around 5 o'clock PM peeped out of her front door, it felt almost like a crime having stayed inside all afternoon on a day with temperatures reaching almost 20 degrees Celsius.

In Northern Scandinavia the temperature now spends more time below than above zero, and I suppose this is what has persuaded the flocks of birds to go South. The starlings are the first migrating birds I see this year.

They eat the grapes that are left on the vines, and usually stay until cold weather forces them to move further south. But with the currently mild temperatures they may be tempted to have a long stay this year.

In English

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