Rain and rain and then, you've guessed it, rain again.
These last weeks have been incredibly wet, even for Champagne.
Happy days for snails
Apparently it suits some of us fine.
This couple seems to head towards founding a family.
And it all happened in Loisy-en-Brie this very weekend.
Snails are usually not that big of a problem, but it does depend on the amount of them.
As you can see in the picture, the vineyards are incredibly green at the moment. Unsurprisingly.
Therefore, can we ask for some sun please? Or just, no more rain, to let the soils dry a bit and the weeds grow at a lesser speed.
Lifting the wires
Next week, we should be out there to lift the wires.
A bit late actually, but you can't expect miracles when temperatures have been low for so long.
It's not cold these days. Just grey. However, today the rain has ceased and there are even some spots of blue skies with sun.
So hold your breath, and so do we.
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